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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: t elephantopus (0.00959 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to t elephantopus.
English → English (gcide) Definition: T elephantopus Elephantine \El`e*phan"tine\, a. [L. elephantinus of ivory, Gr. ?: cf. F. ['e]l['e]phantin.] Pertaining to the elephant, or resembling an elephant (commonly, in size); hence, huge; immense; heavy; as, of elephantine proportions; an elephantine step or tread. [1913 Webster] Elephantine epoch (Geol.), the epoch distinguished by the existence of large pachyderms. --Mantell. Elephantine tortoise (Zo["o]l.), a huge land tortoise; esp., Testudo elephantina, from islands in the Indian Ocean; and T. elephantopus, from the Galapagos Islands.


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