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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: sloe (0.01181 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to sloe.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: sloe sloe n 1: wild plum of northeastern United States having dark purple fruits with yellow flesh [syn: Allegheny plum, Alleghany plum , Prunus alleghaniensis] 2: a thorny Eurasian bush with plumlike fruits [syn: blackthorn, Prunus spinosa] 3: small sour dark purple fruit of especially the Allegheny plum bush
English → English (gcide) Definition: Sloe Sloe \Sloe\ (sl[=o]), n. [OE. slo, AS. sl[=a]; akin to D. slee, G. schlehe, OHG. sl[=e]ha, Dan. slaaen, Sw. sl[*a]n, perhaps originally, that which blunts the teeth, or sets them on edge (cf. Slow); cf. Lith. slywa a plum, Russ. sliva.] (Bot.) A small, bitter, wild European plum, the fruit of the blackthorn (Prunus spinosa); also, the tree itself. [1913 Webster]


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