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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: sinker bar (0.00804 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to sinker bar.
English → English (gcide)
Definition: Sinker bar
\Sink"er\, n.
One who, or that which, sinks. Specifically:
(a) A weight on something, as on a fish line, to sink it.
(b) In knitting machines, one of the thin plates, blades, or
other devices, that depress the loops upon or between the
[1913 Webster]
Dividing sinker, in knitting machines, a sinker between two
jack sinkers and acting alternately with them.
Jack sinker. See under
Jack, n.
Sinker bar.
(a) In knitting machines, a bar to which one set of the
sinkers is attached.
(b) In deep well boring, a heavy bar forming a connection
between the lifting rope and the boring tools, above the
[1913 Webster]