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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: seed (0.01014 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to seed.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: seed benih
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: seed benih, bibit, biji
English → English (WordNet) Definition: seed seed n 1: a small hard fruit 2: a mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coat or testa 3: one of the outstanding players in a tournament [syn: seeded player ] 4: anything that provides inspiration for later work [syn: source, germ] 5: the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract [syn: semen, seminal fluid , ejaculate, cum] seed v 1: go to seed; shed seeds; “The dandelions went to seed” 2: help (an enterprise) in its early stages of development by providing seed money 3: bear seeds 4: place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth; “She sowed sunflower seeds” [syn: sow, sough] 5: distribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds 6: sprinkle with silver iodide particles to disperse and cause rain; “seed clouds” 7: inoculate with microorganisms 8: remove the seeds from; “seed grapes”
English → English (gcide) Definition: Seed Seed \Seed\ (s[=e]d), n.; pl. Seed or Seeds. [OE. seed, sed, AS. s[=ae]d, fr. s[=a]wan to sow; akin to D. zaad seed, G. saat, Icel. s[=a][eth], s[ae][eth]i, Goth. manas[=e][thorn]s seed of men, world. See Sow to scatter seed, and cf. Colza.] 1. (Bot.) (a) A ripened ovule, consisting of an embryo with one or more integuments, or coverings; as, an apple seed; a currant seed. By germination it produces a new plant. (b) Any small seedlike fruit, though it may consist of a pericarp, or even a calyx, as well as the seed proper; as, parsnip seed; thistle seed. [1913 Webster] And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself. --Gen. i. 11. [1913 Webster] Note: The seed proper has an outer and an inner coat, and within these the kernel or nucleus. The kernel is either the embryo alone, or the embryo inclosed in the albumen, which is the material for the nourishment of the developing embryo. The scar on a seed, left where the stem parted from it, is called the hilum, and the closed orifice of the ovule, the micropyle. [1913 Webster] 2. (Physiol.) The generative fluid of the male; semen; sperm; -- not used in the plural. [1913 Webster] 3. That from which anything springs; first principle; original; source; as, the seeds of virtue or vice. [1913 Webster] 4. The principle of production. [1913 Webster] Praise of great acts he scatters as a seed, Which may the like in coming ages breed. --Waller. [1913 Webster] 5. Progeny; offspring; children; descendants; as, the seed of Abraham; the seed of David. [1913 Webster] Note: In this sense the word is applied to one person, or to any number collectively, and admits of the plural form, though rarely used in the plural. [1913 Webster] 6. Race; generation; birth. [1913 Webster] Of mortal seed they were not held. --Waller. [1913 Webster] Seed bag (Artesian well), a packing to prevent percolation of water down the bore hole. It consists of a bag encircling the tubing and filled with flax seed, which swells when wet and fills the space between the tubing and the sides of the hole. Seed bud (Bot.), the germ or rudiment of the plant in the embryo state; the ovule. Seed coat (Bot.), the covering of a seed. Seed corn, or Seed grain (Bot.), corn or grain for seed. To eat the seed corn, To eat the corn which should be saved for seed, so as to forestall starvation; -- a desparate measure, since it only postpones disaster. Hence: any desparate action which creates a disastrous situation in the long-term, done in order to provide temporary relief. Seed down (Bot.), the soft hairs on certain seeds, as cotton seed. Seed drill. See 6th Drill, 2 (a) . Seed eater (Zo["o]l.), any finch of the genera Sporophila, and Crithagra. They feed mainly on seeds. Seed gall (Zo["o]l.), any gall which resembles a seed, formed on the leaves of various plants, usually by some species of Phylloxera. Seed leaf (Bot.), a cotyledon. Seed lobe (Bot.), a cotyledon; a seed leaf. Seed oil, oil expressed from the seeds of plants. Seed oyster, a young oyster, especially when of a size suitable for transplantation to a new locality. Seed pearl, a small pearl of little value. Seed plat, or Seed plot, the ground on which seeds are sown, to produce plants for transplanting; a nursery. Seed stalk (Bot.), the stalk of an ovule or seed; a funicle. Seed tick (Zo["o]l.), one of several species of ticks resembling seeds in form and color. Seed vessel (Bot.), that part of a plant which contains the seeds; a pericarp. Seed weevil (Zo["o]l.), any one of numerous small weevils, especially those of the genus Apion, which live in the seeds of various plants. Seed wool, cotton wool not yet cleansed of its seeds. [Southern U.S.] [1913 Webster +PJC] Seed \Seed\ (s[=e]d), n.; pl. Seed or Seeds. [OE. seed, sed, AS. s[=ae]d, fr. s[=a]wan to sow; akin to D. zaad seed, G. saat, Icel. s[=a][eth], s[ae][eth]i, Goth. manas[=e][thorn]s seed of men, world. See Sow to scatter seed, and cf. Colza.] 1. (Bot.) (a) A ripened ovule, consisting of an embryo with one or more integuments, or coverings; as, an apple seed; a currant seed. By germination it produces a new plant. (b) Any small seedlike fruit, though it may consist of a pericarp, or even a calyx, as well as the seed proper; as, parsnip seed; thistle seed. [1913 Webster] And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself. --Gen. i. 11. [1913 Webster] Note: The seed proper has an outer and an inner coat, and within these the kernel or nucleus. The kernel is either the embryo alone, or the embryo inclosed in the albumen, which is the material for the nourishment of the developing embryo. The scar on a seed, left where the stem parted from it, is called the hilum, and the closed orifice of the ovule, the micropyle. [1913 Webster] 2. (Physiol.) The generative fluid of the male; semen; sperm; -- not used in the plural. [1913 Webster] 3. That from which anything springs; first principle; original; source; as, the seeds of virtue or vice. [1913 Webster] 4. The principle of production. [1913 Webster] Praise of great acts he scatters as a seed, Which may the like in coming ages breed. --Waller. [1913 Webster] 5. Progeny; offspring; children; descendants; as, the seed of Abraham; the seed of David. [1913 Webster] Note: In this sense the word is applied to one person, or to any number collectively, and admits of the plural form, though rarely used in the plural. [1913 Webster] 6. Race; generation; birth. [1913 Webster] Of mortal seed they were not held. --Waller. [1913 Webster] Seed bag (Artesian well), a packing to prevent percolation of water down the bore hole. It consists of a bag encircling the tubing and filled with flax seed, which swells when wet and fills the space between the tubing and the sides of the hole. Seed bud (Bot.), the germ or rudiment of the plant in the embryo state; the ovule. Seed coat (Bot.), the covering of a seed. Seed corn, or Seed grain (Bot.), corn or grain for seed. To eat the seed corn, To eat the corn which should be saved for seed, so as to forestall starvation; -- a desparate measure, since it only postpones disaster. Hence: any desparate action which creates a disastrous situation in the long-term, done in order to provide temporary relief. Seed down (Bot.), the soft hairs on certain seeds, as cotton seed. Seed drill. See 6th Drill, 2 (a) . Seed eater (Zo["o]l.), any finch of the genera Sporophila, and Crithagra. They feed mainly on seeds. Seed gall (Zo["o]l.), any gall which resembles a seed, formed on the leaves of various plants, usually by some species of Phylloxera. Seed leaf (Bot.), a cotyledon. Seed lobe (Bot.), a cotyledon; a seed leaf. Seed oil, oil expressed from the seeds of plants. Seed oyster, a young oyster, especially when of a size suitable for transplantation to a new locality. Seed pearl, a small pearl of little value. Seed plat, or Seed plot, the ground on which seeds are sown, to produce plants for transplanting; a nursery. Seed stalk (Bot.), the stalk of an ovule or seed; a funicle. Seed tick (Zo["o]l.), one of several species of ticks resembling seeds in form and color. Seed vessel (Bot.), that part of a plant which contains the seeds; a pericarp. Seed weevil (Zo["o]l.), any one of numerous small weevils, especially those of the genus Apion, which live in the seeds of various plants. Seed wool, cotton wool not yet cleansed of its seeds. [Southern U.S.] [1913 Webster +PJC] Seed \Seed\, v. i. 1. To sow seed. [1913 Webster] 2. To shed the seed. --Mortimer. [1913 Webster] 3. To grow to maturity, and to produce seed. [1913 Webster] Many interests have grown up, and seeded, and twisted their roots in the crevices of many wrongs. --Landor. [1913 Webster] Seed \Seed\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Seeded; p. pr. & vb. n. Seeding.] 1. To sprinkle with seed; to plant seeds in; to sow; as, to seed a field. [1913 Webster] 2. To cover thinly with something scattered; to ornament with seedlike decorations. [1913 Webster] A sable mantle seeded with waking eyes. --B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] To seed down, to sow with grass seed. [1913 Webster]


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