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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: see (0.02284 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to see.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: see melihat
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: see lihat, melihat, mencelik, mengarifi
English → English (WordNet) Definition: see see n : the seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located [also: seen, saw] see adv : compare (used in texts to point the reader to another location in the text) [syn: cf., cf, confer, see also ] [also: seen, saw] see v 1: perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight; “You have to be a good observer to see all the details”; “Can you see the bird in that tree?”; “He is blind--he cannot see” 2: perceive (an idea or situation) mentally; “Now I see!”; “I just can't see your point”; “Does she realize how important this decision is?”; “I don't understand the idea” [syn: understand, realize, realise] 3: perceive or be contemporaneous with; “We found Republicans winning the offices”; “You'll see a lot of cheating in this school”; “I want to see results”; “The 1960 saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions”; “I want to see results” [syn: witness, find] 4: imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; “I can't see him on horseback!”; “I can see what will happen”; “I can see a risk in this strategy” [syn: visualize, visualise, envision, project, fancy, figure, picture, image] 5: deem to be; “She views this quite differently from me”; “I consider her to be shallow”; “I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do” [syn: consider, reckon, view, regard] 6: get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; “I learned that she has two grown-up children”; “I see that you have been promoted” [syn: learn, hear, get word, get wind, pick up, find out, get a line, discover] 7: see or watch; “view a show on television”; “This program will be seen all over the world”; “view an exhibition”; “Catch a show on Broadway”; “see a movie” [syn: watch, view, catch, take in] 8: find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; “I want to see whether she speaks French”; “See whether it works”; “find out if he speaks Russian”; “Check whether the train leaves on time” [syn: determine, check, find out, ascertain, watch, learn] 9: come together; “I'll probably see you at the meeting”; “How nice to see you again!” [syn: meet, ran into, encounter, run across, come across] 10: be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; “He verified that the valves were closed”; “See that the curtains are closed”; “control the quality of the product” [syn: check, insure, see to it, ensure, control, ascertain, assure] 11: go to see for professional or business reasons; “You should see a lawyer”; “We had to see a psychiatrist” 12: go to see for a social visit; “I went to see my friend Mary the other day” 13: visit a place, as for entertainment; “We went to see the Eiffel Tower in the morning” [syn: visit] 14: take charge of or deal with; “Could you see about lunch?”; “I must attend to this matter”; “She took care of this business” [syn: attend, take care, look] 15: receive as a specified guest; “the doctor will see you now”; “The minister doesn't see anybody before noon” 16: date regularly; have a steady relationship with; “Did you know that she is seeing an older man?”; “He is dating his former wife again!” [syn: go steady, go out, date] 17: see and understand, have a good eye; “The artist must first learn to see” 18: deliberate or decide; “See whether you can come tomorrow”; “let's see--which movie should we see tonight?” 19: observe as if with an eye; “The camera saw the burglary and recorded it” 20: observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect; “The customs agent examined the baggage”; “I must see your passport before you can enter the country” [syn: examine] 21: go or live through; “We had many trials to go through”; “he saw action in Viet Nam” [syn: experience, undergo, go through ] 22: accompany or escort; “I'll see you to the door” [syn: escort] 23: match or meet; “I saw the bet of one of my fellow players” 24: make sense of; assign a meaning to; “What message do you see in this letter?”; “How do you interpret his behavior?” [syn: interpret, construe] [also: seen, saw]
English → English (gcide) Definition: See See \See\ (s[=e]), v. t. [imp. Saw (s[add]); p. p. Seen (s[=e]n); p. pr. & vb. n. Seeing.] [OE. seen, sen, seon, AS. se['o]n; akin to OFries. s[=i]a, D. zien, OS. & OHG. sehan, G. sehen, Icel. sj[=a], Sw. se, Dan. see, Goth. sa['i]hwan, and probably to L. sequi to follow (and so originally meaning, to follow with the eyes). Gr. "e`pesqai, Skr. sac. Cf. Sight, Sue to follow.] 1. To perceive by the eye; to have knowledge of the existence and apparent qualities of by the organs of sight; to behold; to descry; to view. [1913 Webster] I will now turn aside, and see this great sight. --Ex. iii. 3. [1913 Webster] 2. To perceive by mental vision; to form an idea or conception of; to note with the mind; to observe; to discern; to distinguish; to understand; to comprehend; to ascertain. [1913 Webster] Go, I pray thee, see whether it be well with thy brethren. --Gen. xxxvii. 14. [1913 Webster] Jesus saw that he answered discreetly. --Mark xii. 34. [1913 Webster] Who's so gross That seeth not this palpable device? --Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. To follow with the eyes, or as with the eyes; to watch; to regard attentively; to look after. --Shak. [1913 Webster] I had a mind to see him out, and therefore did not care for contradicting him. --Addison. [1913 Webster] 4. To have an interview with; especially, to make a call upon; to visit; as, to go to see a friend. [1913 Webster] And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death. --1 Sam. xv. 35. [1913 Webster] 5. To fall in with; to meet or associate with; to have intercourse or communication with; hence, to have knowledge or experience of; as, to see military service. [1913 Webster] Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil. --Ps. xc. 15. [1913 Webster] Verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man keep my saying, he shall never see death. --John viii. 51. [1913 Webster] Improvement in wisdom and prudence by seeing men. --Locke. [1913 Webster] 6. To accompany in person; to escort; to wait upon; as, to see one home; to see one aboard the cars. [1913 Webster] 7. In poker and similar games at cards, to meet (a bet), or to equal the bet of (a player), by staking the same sum. “I'll see you and raise you ten.” [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC] God you see (or God him see or God me see, etc.), God keep you (him, me, etc.) in his sight; God protect you. [Obs.] --Chaucer. To see (anything) out, to see (it) to the end; to be present at, work at, or attend, to the end. To see stars, to see flashes of light, like stars; -- sometimes the result of concussion of the head. [Colloq.] To see (one) through, to help, watch, or guard (one) to the end of a course or an undertaking. [1913 Webster] See \See\, n. [OE. se, see, OF. se, sed, sied, fr. L. sedes a seat, or the kindred sedere to sit. See Sit, and cf. Siege.] 1. A seat; a site; a place where sovereign power is exercised. [Obs.] --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Jove laughed on Venus from his sovereign see. --Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically: (a) The seat of episcopal power; a diocese; the jurisdiction of a bishop; as, the see of New York. (b) The seat of an archbishop; a province or jurisdiction of an archbishop; as, an archiepiscopal see. (c) The seat, place, or office of the pope, or Roman pontiff; as, the papal see. (d) The pope or his court at Rome; as, to appeal to the see of Rome. [1913 Webster] Apostolic see. See under Apostolic. [1913 Webster] See \See\, v. i. 1. To have the power of sight, or of perceiving by the proper organs; to possess or employ the sense of vision; as, he sees distinctly. [1913 Webster] Whereas I was blind, now I see. --John ix. 25. [1913 Webster] 2. Figuratively: To have intellectual apprehension; to perceive; to know; to understand; to discern; -- often followed by a preposition, as through, or into. [1913 Webster] For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. --John ix. 39. [1913 Webster] Many sagacious persons will find us out, . . . and see through all our fine pretensions. --Tillotson. [1913 Webster] 3. To be attentive; to take care; to give heed; -- generally with to; as, to see to the house. [1913 Webster] See that ye fall not out by the way. --Gen. xlv. 24. [1913 Webster] Note: Let me see, Let us see, are used to express consideration, or to introduce the particular consideration of a subject, or some scheme or calculation. [1913 Webster] Cassio's a proper man, let me see now, To get his place. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Note: See is sometimes used in the imperative for look, or behold. “See. see! upon the banks of Boyne he stands.” --Halifax. [1913 Webster] To see about a thing, to pay attention to it; to consider it. To see on, to look at. [Obs.] “She was full more blissful on to see.” --Chaucer. To see to. (a) To look at; to behold; to view. [Obs.] “An altar by Jordan, a great altar to see to” --Josh. xxii. 10. (b) To take care about; to look after; as, to see to a fire. [1913 Webster]


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