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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: sappadillo (0.00957 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to sappadillo.
English → English (gcide) Definition: sappadillo Sapodilla \Sap`o*dil"la\, n. [Sp. zapote, sapotillo, zapotillo, Mexican cochit-zapotl. Cf. Sapota.] (Bot.) A tall, evergeen, tropical American tree (Achras Sapota); also, its edible fruit, the sapodilla plum. [Written also sapadillo, sappadillo, sappodilla, and zapotilla.] [1913 Webster] Sapodilla plum (Bot.), the fruit of Achras Sapota. It is about the size of an ordinary quince, having a rough, brittle, dull brown rind, the flesh being of a dirty yellowish white color, very soft, and deliciously sweet. Called also naseberry. It is eatable only when it begins to be spotted, and is much used in desserts. [1913 Webster]


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