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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: radiant heat (0.01028 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to radiant heat.
English → English (gcide)
Definition: Radiant heat
\Ra"di*ant\ (r[=a]"d[i^]*ant), a. [L. radians, -antis,
p. pr. of radiare to emit rays or beams, fr. radius ray: cf.
F. radiant. See
Ray a divergent line.]
1. Emitting or proceeding as from a center; resembling rays;
radiating; radiate.
[1913 Webster]
2. Especially, emitting or darting rays of light or heat;
issuing in beams or rays; beaming with brightness;
emitting a vivid light or splendor; as, the radiant sun.
[1913 Webster]
Mark what radiant state she spreads. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
3. Beaming with vivacity and happiness; as, a radiant face.
[1913 Webster]
4. (Her.) Giving off rays; -- said of a bearing; as, the sun
radiant; a crown radiant.
[1913 Webster]
5. (Bot.) Having a raylike appearance, as the large marginal
flowers of certain umbelliferous plants; -- said also of
the cluster which has such marginal flowers.
[1913 Webster]
6. (Physics) Emitted or transmitted by radiation; as, a
radiant energy; radiant heat.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Radiant energy (Physics), energy given out or transmitted
by radiation, as in the case of light and radiant heat.
Radiant heat, heat proceeding in right lines, or directly
from the heated body, after the manner of light, in
distinction from heat conducted or carried by intervening
Radiant point. (Astron.) See
Radiant, n., 3.
[1913 Webster]