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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: pursing (0.00818 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to pursing.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: purse dompet, kocek
English → English (WordNet) Definition: purse purse v 1: contract one's lips into a rounded shape 2: gather or contract into wrinkles or folds; pucker; “purse ones's lips” [syn: wrinkle] purse n 1: a bag used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women); “she reached into her bag and found a comb” [syn: bag, handbag, pocketbook] 2: a sum of money spoken of as the contents of a money purse; “he made the contribution out of his own purse”; “he and his wife shared a common purse” 3: a small bag for carrying money 4: a sum of money offered as a prize; “the purse barely covered the winner's expenses”
English → English (gcide) Definition: Pursing Purse \Purse\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pursed; p. pr. & vb. n. Pursing.] 1. To put into a purse. [1913 Webster] I will go and purse the ducats straight. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To draw up or contract into folds or wrinkles, like the mouth of a purse; to pucker; to knit. [1913 Webster] Thou . . . didst contract and purse thy brow. --Shak. [1913 Webster]


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