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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: punch (0.02227 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to punch.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: punch pons
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: punch coblos, hantaman, menghantam, pukulan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: punch punch n 1: (boxing) a blow with the fist; “I gave him a clout on his nose” [syn: clout, poke, lick, biff] 2: an iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings; normally served in a punch bowl 3: a tool for making (usually circular) holes [syn: puncher] punch v 1: deliver a quick blow to; “he punched me in the stomach” [syn: plug] 2: drive forcibly as if by a punch; “the nail punched through the wall” 3: make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation; “perforate the sheets of paper” [syn: perforate]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Punch Punch \Punch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Punched; p. pr. & vb. n. Punching.] [From Punch, n., a tool; cf. F. poin[,c]onner.] To perforate or stamp with an instrument by pressure, or a blow; as, to punch a hole; to punch ticket. [1913 Webster] Punching machine, or Punching press, a machine tool for punching holes in metal or other material; -- called also punch press. [1913 Webster] Punch \Punch\, n. [Prov. E. Cf. Punchy.] 1. A short, fat fellow; anything short and thick. [1913 Webster] I . . . did hear them call their fat child punch, which pleased me mightily, that word being become a word of common use for all that is thick and short. --Pepys. [1913 Webster] 2. One of a breed of large, heavy draught horses; as, the Suffolk punch. [1913 Webster] Punch \Punch\, v. t. [OE. punchen, perhaps the same word as E. punish: or cf. E. bunch.] To thrust against; to poke; as, to punch one with the end of a stick or the elbow. [1913 Webster] Punch \Punch\, n. A thrust or blow. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] Punch \Punch\, n. [Hind. p[=a]nch five, Skr. pa?can. So called because composed of five ingredients, viz., sugar, arrack, spice, water, and lemon juice. See Five.] A beverage composed of wine or distilled liquor, water (or milk), sugar, and the juice of lemon, with spice or mint; -- specifically named from the kind of spirit used; as rum punch, claret punch, champagne punch, etc. [1913 Webster] Milk punch, a sort of punch made with spirit, milk, sugar, spice, etc. Punch bowl, a large bowl in which punch is made, or from which it is served. Roman punch, a punch frozen and served as an ice. [1913 Webster] Punch \Punch\, n. [Abbrev. fr. puncheon.] 1. A tool, usually of steel, variously shaped at one end for different uses, and either solid, for stamping or for perforating holes in metallic plates and other substances, or hollow and sharpedged, for cutting out blanks, as for buttons, steel pens, jewelry, and the like; a die. [1913 Webster] 2. (Pile Driving) An extension piece applied to the top of a pile; a dolly. [1913 Webster] 3. A prop, as for the roof of a mine. [1913 Webster] Bell punch. See under Bell. Belt punch (Mach.), a punch, or punch pliers, for making holes for lacings in the ends of driving belts. Punch press. See Punching machine, under Punch, v. i. Punch pliers, pliers having a tubular, sharp-edged steel punch attached to one of the jaws, for perforating leather, paper, and the like. [1913 Webster] Punch \Punch\, n. [Abbrev, fr. punchinello.] The buffoon or harlequin of a puppet show. [1913 Webster] Punch and Judy, a puppet show in which a comical little hunchbacked Punch, with a large nose, engages in altercation with his wife Judy. [1913 Webster]


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