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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: plankton (0.01792 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to plankton.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: plankton
n : the aggregate of small plant and animal organisms that float
or drift in great numbers in fresh or salt water
English → English (gcide)
Definition: Plankton
\Plank"ton\ (pl[a^][ng]k"t[o^]n), n. [NL., fr. Gr.
plagto`n, neut. of plagto`s wandering, pla`zesqai to wander.]
All the animals and plants, taken collectively, which live at
or near the surface of salt or fresh waters. --
Plank*ton"ic, a.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]