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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: percolate (0.01306 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to percolate.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: percolate percolate n : the product of percolation v 1: permeate or penetrate gradually; “the fertilizer leached into the ground” [syn: leach] 2: spread gradually; “Light percolated into our house in the morning” 3: prepare in a percolator; “percolate coffee” 4: cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance in order to extract a soluble constituent 5: pass through; “Water permeates sand easily” [syn: sink in, permeate, filter] 6: gain or regain energy; “I picked up after a nap” [syn: perk up , perk, pick up, gain vigor]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Percolate Percolate \Per"co*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Percolated; p. pr. & vb. n. Percolating.] [L. percolatus, p. p. of percolare to percolate; per through + colare to strain.] To cause to pass through fine interstices, as a liquor; to filter; to strain. --Sir M. Hale. [1913 Webster] Percolate \Per"co*late\, v. i. To pass through fine interstices; to filter; as, water percolates through porous stone. [1913 Webster]


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