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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: inert (0.00801 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to inert.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: inert lembam, tidak giat
English → English (WordNet) Definition: inert inert adj 1: unable to move or resist motion 2: having only a limited ability to react chemically; not active; “inert matter”; “an indifferent chemical in a reaction” [syn: indifferent, neutral] 3: slow and apathetic; “she was fat and inert”; “a sluggish worker”; “a mind grown torpid in old age” [syn: sluggish, torpid]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Inert Inert \In*ert"\, a. [L. iners, inertis, unskilled, idle; pref. in- + ars art: cf. F. inerte. See Art.] [1913 Webster] 1. Destitute of the power of moving itself, or of active resistance to motion; as, matter is inert. [1913 Webster] 2. Indisposed to move or act; very slow to act; sluggish; dull; inactive; indolent; lifeless. [1913 Webster] The inert and desponding party of the court. --Macaulay. [1913 Webster] It present becomes extravagant, then imbecile, and at length utterly inert. --I. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 3. Not having or manifesting active properties; not affecting other substances when brought in contact with them; powerless for an expected or desired effect; as, the noble gases are chemically inert. Syn: Inactive; dull; passive; indolent; sluggish; slothful; lazy; lifeless; irresolute; stupid; senseless; insensible. Usage: Inert, Inactive, Sluggish. A man may be inactive from mere lack of stimulus to effort; but one who is inert has something in his constitution or his habits which operates like a weight holding him back from exertion. Sluggish is still stronger, implying some defect of temperament which directly impedes action. Inert and inactive are negative, sluggish is positive. [1913 Webster] Even the favored isles . . . Can boast but little virtue; and, inert Through plenty, lose in morals what they gain In manners -- victims of luxurious ease. --Cowper. [1913 Webster] Doomed to lose four months in inactive obscurity. --Johnson. [1913 Webster] Sluggish Idleness, the nurse of sin, Upon a slothful ass he chose to ride. --Spenser. [1913 Webster]


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