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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: penal (0.01252 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to penal.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: penal penal adj 1: of or relating to punishment; “penal reform”; “penal code” 2: serving as or designed to impose punishment; “penal servitude”; “a penal colony” 3: subject to punishment by law; “a penal offense” [syn: punishable]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Penal Penal \Pe"nal\, a. [L. poenalis, fr. poena punishment: cf. F. p['e]nal. See Pain.] Of or pertaining to punishment, to penalties, or to crimes and offenses; pertaining to criminal jurisprudence: as: (a) Enacting or threatening punishment; as, a penal statue; the penal code. (b) Incurring punishment; subject to a penalty; as, a penalact of offense. (c) Inflicted as punishment; used as a means of punishment; as, a penal colony or settlement. “Adamantine chains and penal fire.” --Milton. [1913 Webster] Penal code (Law), a code of laws concerning crimes and offenses and their punishment. Penal laws, Penal statutes (Law), laws prohibited certain acts, and imposing penalties for committing them. Penal servitude, imprisonment with hard labor, in a prison, in lieu of transportation. [Great Brit.] Penal suit, Penal action (Law), a suit for penalties. [1913 Webster]


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