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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: pager (0.01689 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to pager.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: pager pager n : an electronic device that generates a series of beeps when the person carrying it is being paged [syn: beeper]
English → English (gcide) Definition: pager pager \pag"er\, n. A small electronic communication device which signals when a telephone call has been received at a base station. Each such device receives radio signals from the base station specifically coded for the individual to whom it is registered; the signal given by the device to the registered user may be a beeping sound, indicating that the user should call the base station to receive a message; or it may display a telephone number to which the user may call directly to return the incoming call, or may display a short message. Such devices are small enough to carry in the pocket or pocketbook, or to clip onto a belt or other part of the clothing. Also called beeper. [PJC]


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