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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: on the street (0.00900 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to on the street.
English → English (gcide) Definition: on the street Street \Street\ (str[=e]t), n. [OE. strete, AS. str[=ae]t, fr. L. strata (sc. via) a paved way, properly fem. p. p. of sternere, stratum, to spread; akin to E. strew. See Strew, and cf. Stratum, Stray, v. & a.] 1. Originally, a paved way or road; a public highway; now commonly, a thoroughfare in a city or village, bordered by dwellings or business houses. [1913 Webster] He removed [the body of] Amasa from the street unto the field. --Coverdale. [1913 Webster] At home or through the high street passing. --Milton. [1913 Webster] Note: In an extended sense, street designates besides the roadway, the walks, houses, shops, etc., which border the thoroughfare. [1913 Webster] His deserted mansion in Duke Street. --Macaulay. [1913 Webster] 2. the roadway of a street[1], as distinguished from the sidewalk; as, children playing in the street. [PJC] 3. the inhabitants of a particular street; as, the whole street knew about their impending divorce. [PJC] The street (Broker's Cant), that thoroughfare of a city where the leading bankers and brokers do business; also, figuratively, those who do business there; as, the street would not take the bonds. on the street, (a) homeless. (b) unemployed. (a) not in prison, or released from prison; the murderer is still on the street. Street Arab, Street broker, etc. See under Arab, Broker, etc. Street door, a door which opens upon a street, or is nearest the street. street person, a homeless person; a vagrant. [1913 Webster +PJC] Syn: See Way. [1913 Webster]


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