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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: ocher (0.01814 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to ocher.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: ocher ocher adj : of a moderate orange-yellow color [syn: ochre] n 1: a moderate yellow-orange to orange color [syn: ochre] 2: any of various earths containing silica and alumina and ferric oxide; used as a pigment [syn: ochre]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Ocher Ocher \O"cher\, Ochre \O"chre\, n. [F. ocre, L. ochra, fr. Gr. ?, from (?) pale, pale yellow.] 1. (Min.) (a) A impure earthy ore of iron or a ferruginous clay, usually red (hematite) or yellow (limonite), -- used as a pigment in making paints, etc. The name is also applied to clays of other colors. (b) A metallic oxide occurring in earthy form; as, tungstic ocher or tungstite. [1913 Webster] 2. The color of ocher[1], varying around orange, from more yellowish to more reddish in tint. [PJC]


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