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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: mirror galvanometer (0.01397 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to mirror galvanometer.
English → English (gcide) Definition: mirror galvanometer Reflecting \Re*flect"ing\, a. 1. Throwing back light, heat, etc., as a mirror or other surface. [1913 Webster] 2. Given to reflection or serious consideration; reflective; contemplative; as, a reflecting mind. [1913 Webster] Reflecting circle, an astronomical instrument for measuring angless, like the sextant or Hadley's quadrant, by the reflection of light from two plane mirrors which it carries, and differing from the sextant chiefly in having an entire circle. Reflecting galvanometer, a galvanometer in which the deflections of the needle are read by means of a mirror attached to it, which reflects a ray of light or the image of a scale; -- called also mirror galvanometer. Reflecting goniometer. See under Goniometer. Reflecting telescope. See under Telescope. [1913 Webster]


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