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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: methene (0.00899 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to methene.
English → English (gcide) Definition: methene Methylene \Meth"yl*ene\, n. [F. m['e]thyl[`e]ne, from Gr. ? wine + ? wood; -- a word coined to correspond to the name wood spirit.] (Chem.) A divalent hydrocarbon radical, -CH2-, not known in the free state, but regarded as an essential residue and component of certain derivatives of methane; as, methylene bromide, CH2Br2; -- formerly called also methene. [1913 Webster] Methylene blue (Chem.), an artificial dyestuff consisting of a complex sulphur derivative of diphenyl amine; -- called also pure blue. [1913 Webster]


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