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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: main sequence (0.01751 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to main sequence.
English → English (gcide)
Definition: main sequence
main sequence
\main" se`quence\, n. (Astronomy)
That region on a two-dimensional graph of luminosity versus
temperature for stars (the Herzsprung-Russel diagram), which
runs from high temperature and high luminosity to low
temperature and low luminosity, in which most of the stars
(plotted as points on the diagram) are found. A normal star
such as the earth's sun will spend most of its time over
billions of years within this region of temperature and
luminosity, as it progressively converts more of its original
hydrogen into heavier elements. After the hydrogen is
consumed, a star may become a
red giant or evolve into
other types of star not within the main sequence region.