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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: madrepore (0.01010 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to madrepore.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: madrepore madrepore n : corals having calcareous skeletons aggregations of which form reefs and islands [syn: stony coral, madriporian coral ]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Madrepore Madrepore \Mad"re*pore\, n. [F. madrepore, perh. fr. madr['e] spotted, fr. OF. madre, mazre, a kind of knotty wood with brown spots, fr. OHG. masar a knot, grain, or vein in wood, a speck, G. maser + pore (see Pore); or perh. F. madr['e]pore is rather from It. madrepora, and this perh. fr. It. madre mother (see Mother) + Gr. ? a soft stone.] (Zo["o]l.) Any coral of the genus Madrepora, a group of corals having calcareous skeletons aggregations of which form reefs and islands; formerly, often applied to any stony coral. Syn: stony coral, madriporian coral. [1913 Webster]


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