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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: levity (0.00877 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to levity.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: levity levity n 1: feeling an inappropriate lack of seriousness [ant: gravity] 2: lightness of manner
English → English (gcide) Definition: Levity Levity \Lev"i*ty\ (l[e^]v"[i^]*t[y^]), n. [L. levitas, fr. levis light in weight; akin to levare to raise. See Lever, n.] 1. The quality of weighing less than something else of equal bulk; relative lightness, especially as shown by rising through, or floating upon, a contiguous substance; buoyancy; -- opposed to gravity. [1913 Webster] He gave the form of levity to that which ascended; to that which descended, the form of gravity. --Sir. W. Raleigh. [1913 Webster] This bubble by reason of its comparative levity to the fluidity that incloses it, would ascend to the top. --Bentley. [1913 Webster] 2. Lack of gravity and earnestness in deportment or character; trifling gayety; frivolity; sportiveness; vanity. “ A spirit of levity and libertinism.” --Atterbury. [1913 Webster] He never employed his omnipotence out of levity. --Calamy. [1913 Webster] 3. Lack of steadiness or constancy; disposition to change; fickleness; volatility. [1913 Webster] The levity that is fatigued and disgusted with everything of which it is in possession. --Burke. Syn: Inconstancy; thoughtlessness; unsteadiness; inconsideration; volatility; flightiness. Usage: Levity, Volatility, Flightiness. All these words relate to outward conduct. Levity springs from a lightness of mind which produces a disregard of the proprieties of time and place.Volatility is a degree of levity which causes the thoughts to fly from one object to another, without resting on any for a moment. Flightiness is volatility carried to an extreme which often betrays its subject into gross impropriety or weakness. Levity of deportment, of conduct, of remark; volatility of temper, of spirits; flightiness of mind or disposition. [1913 Webster]


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