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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: lamella (0.01174 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to lamella.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: lamella lamella n 1: any of the radiating leaflike spore-producing structures on the underside of the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus [syn: gill] 2: a thin membrane that is one of the calcified layers that form bones 3: thin plate [also: lamellae (pl)]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Lamella Lamella \La*mel"la\, n.; pl. L. Lamell[ae], E. Lamellas. [L. lamella, dim. of lamina plate, leaf, layer: cf. F. lamelle. Cf. Lamina, Omelet.] a thin plate or scale of anything, as a thin scale growing from the petals of certain flowers; or one of the thin plates or scales of which certain shells are composed. [1913 Webster]


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