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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: hawk (0.00815 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to hawk.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: hawk alap-alap, burung elang, elang
English → English (WordNet) Definition: hawk hawk n 1: diurnal bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail 2: an advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations [syn: war hawk] [ant: dove] 3: a square board with a handle underneath; used by masons to hold or carry mortar [syn: mortarboard] hawk v 1: sell or offer for sale from place to place [syn: peddle, monger, huckster, vend, pitch] 2: hunt with hawks; “the Arabs like to hawk in the desert” 3: clear mucus or food from one's throat; “he cleared his throat before he started to speak” [syn: clear the throat]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Hawk Hawk \Hawk\, v. t. To raise by hawking, as phlegm. [1913 Webster] Hawk \Hawk\, n. [W. hoch.] An effort to force up phlegm from the throat, accompanied with noise. [1913 Webster] Hawk \Hawk\, v. t. [Akin to D. hauker a hawker, G. h["o]ken, h["o]cken, to higgle, to retail, h["o]ke, h["o]ker, a higgler, huckster. See Huckster.] To offer for sale by outcry in the street; to carry (merchandise) about from place to place for sale; to peddle; as, to hawk goods or pamphlets. [1913 Webster] His works were hawked in every street. --Swift. [1913 Webster] Hawk \Hawk\, n. (Masonry) A small board, with a handle on the under side, to hold mortar. [1913 Webster] Hawk boy, an attendant on a plasterer to supply him with mortar. [1913 Webster] Hawk \Hawk\ (h[add]k), n. [OE. hauk (prob. fr. Icel.), havek, AS. hafoc, heafoc; akin to D. havik, OHG. habuh, G. habicht, Icel. haukr, Sw. h["o]k, Dan. h["o]g, prob. from the root of E. heave.] (Zo["o]l.) One of numerous species and genera of rapacious birds of the family Falconid[ae]. They differ from the true falcons in lacking the prominent tooth and notch of the bill, and in having shorter and less pointed wings. Many are of large size and grade into the eagles. Some, as the goshawk, were formerly trained like falcons. In a more general sense the word is not infrequently applied, also, to true falcons, as the sparrow hawk, pigeon hawk, duck hawk, and prairie hawk. [1913 Webster] Note: Among the common American species are the red-tailed hawk (Buteo borealis); the red-shouldered (Buteo lineatus ); the broad-winged (Buteo Pennsylvanicus); the rough-legged (Archibuteo lagopus); the sharp-shinned (Accipiter fuscus). See Fishhawk, Goshawk, Marsh hawk, under Marsh, Night hawk, under Night. [1913 Webster] Bee hawk (Zo["o]l.), the honey buzzard. Eagle hawk. See under Eagle. Hawk eagle (Zo["o]l.), an Asiatic bird of the genus Spiz[ae]tus, or Limn[ae]tus, intermediate between the hawks and eagles. There are several species. Hawk fly (Zo["o]l.), a voracious fly of the family Asilid[ae]. See Hornet fly, under Hornet. Hawk moth. (Zo["o]l.) See Hawk moth, in the Vocabulary. Hawk owl. (Zo["o]l.) (a) A northern owl (Surnia ulula) of Europe and America. It flies by day, and in some respects resembles the hawks. (b) An owl of India (Ninox scutellatus). Hawk's bill (Horology), the pawl for the rack, in the striking mechanism of a clock. [1913 Webster] Hawk \Hawk\ (h[add]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Hawked (h[add]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. Hawking.] 1. To catch, or attempt to catch, birds by means of hawks trained for the purpose, and let loose on the prey; to practice falconry. [1913 Webster] A falconer Henry is, when Emma hawks. --Prior. [1913 Webster] 2. To make an attack while on the wing; to soar and strike like a hawk; -- generally with at; as, to hawk at flies. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] A falcon, towering in her pride of place, Was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Hawk \Hawk\, v. i. [W. hochi.] To clear the throat with an audible sound by forcing an expiratory current of air through the narrow passage between the depressed soft palate and the root of the tongue, thus aiding in the removal of foreign substances. [1913 Webster]


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