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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: grapple (0.01165 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to grapple.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: grapple memegang erat
English → English (WordNet) Definition: grapple grapple n 1: a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding; often thrown with a rope [syn: grapnel, grappler, grappling hook , grappling iron] 2: a dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam [syn: clamshell] 3: the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat; “they had a fierce wrestle”; “we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully” [syn: wrestle, wrestling, grappling, hand-to-hand struggle] grapple v 1: come to terms or deal successfully with; “We got by on just a gallon of gas”; “They made do on half a loaf of bread every day” [syn: cope, get by, make out, make do, contend, deal, manage] 2: to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match; “the two men grappled with each other for several minutes” [syn: grip]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Grapple Grapple \Grap"ple\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Grappled; p. pr. & vb. n. Grappling.] [F. grappiller, OF. graypil the grapple of a ship, fr. graper to pluck, prop., to seize, clutch; of German origin. See Grape.] 1. To seize; to lay fast hold of; to attack at close quarters: as, to grapple an antagonist. [1913 Webster] 2. To fasten, as with a grapple; to fix; to join indissolubly. [1913 Webster] The gallies were grappled to the Centurion. --Hakluyt. [1913 Webster] Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Grapple \Grap"ple\, v. i. To use a grapple; to contend in close fight; to attach one's self as if by a grapple, as in wrestling; to close; to seize one another. [1913 Webster] To grapple with, to enter into contest with, resolutely and courageously. [1913 Webster] And in my standard bear the arms of York, To grapple with the house of Lancaster. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Grapple \Grap"ple\, n. [See Grapple, v. t., and cf. Crapple.] 1. A seizing or seizure; close hug in contest; the wrestler's hold. --Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. (a) An instrument, usually with hinged claws, for seizing and holding fast to an object; a grab. (b) (Naut.) A grappling iron. [1913 Webster] The iron hooks and grapples keen. --Spenser. [1913 Webster] Grapple plant (Bot.), a South African herb (Herpagophytum leptocarpum ) having the woody fruits armed with long hooked or barbed thorns by which they adhere to cattle, causing intense annoyance. Grapple shot (Life-saving Service), a projectile, to which are attached hinged claws to catch in a ship's rigging or to hold in the ground; -- called also anchor shot. [1913 Webster]


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