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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: ginger pop (0.02542 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to ginger pop.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: ginger pop ginger pop n : ginger-flavored carbonated drink [syn: ginger ale]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Ginger pop Ginger \Gin"ger\, n. [OE. ginger, gingever, gingivere, OF. gengibre, gingimbre, F. gingembre, L. zingiber, zingiberi, fr. Gr. ?; of Oriental origin; cf. Ar. & Pers. zenjeb[=i]l, fr. Skr. [,c][.r][.n]gav["e]ra, prop., hornshaped; ???ga horn + v["e]ra body.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Zingiber, of the East and West Indies. The species most known is Zingiber officinale . [1913 Webster] 2. The hot and spicy rootstock of Zingiber officinale, which is much used in cookery and in medicine. [1913 Webster] Ginger ale (a) a soft drink flavored with ginger and carbonated. (a) See ginger beer, below. Ginger beer or Ginger ale, a mild beer impregnated with ginger. Ginger cordial, a liquor made from ginger, raisins, lemon rind, and water, and sometimes whisky or brandy. Ginger pop. See Ginger ale (above). Ginger wine, wine impregnated with ginger. Wild ginger (Bot.), an American herb (Asarum Canadense) with two reniform leaves and a long, cordlike rootstock which has a strong taste of ginger. [1913 Webster]


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