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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: gastric remittent fever (0.00770 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to gastric remittent fever.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Gastric remittent fever Gastric \Gas"tric\, a. [Gr. ?, ?, stomach: cf. F. gastrique.] Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the stomach; as, the gastric artery. [1913 Webster] Gastric digestion (Physiol.), the conversion of the albuminous portion of food in the stomach into soluble and diffusible products by the solvent action of gastric juice. Gastric fever (Med.), a fever attended with prominent gastric symptoms; -- a name applied to certain forms of typhoid fever; also, to catarrhal inflammation of the stomach attended with fever. Gastric juice (Physiol.), a thin, watery fluid, with an acid reaction, secreted by a peculiar set of glands contained in the mucous membrane of the stomach. It consists mainly of dilute hydrochloric acid and the ferment pepsin. It is the most important digestive fluid in the body, but acts only on proteid foods. Gastric remittent fever (Med.), a form of remittent fever with pronounced stomach symptoms. [1913 Webster]


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