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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: flew (0.00870 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to flew.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: flew terbang
English → English (WordNet) Definition: flew fly adj : (British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked [also: flown, flew] fly v 1: travel through the air; be airborne; “Man cannot fly” [syn: wing] 2: move quickly or suddenly; “He flew about the place” 3: fly a plane [syn: aviate, pilot] 4: transport by aeroplane; “We fly flowers from the Caribbean to North America” 5: cause to fly or float; “fly a kite” 6: be dispersed or disseminated; “Rumors and accusations are flying” 7: change quickly from one emotional state to another; “fly into a rage” 8: pass away rapidly; “Time flies like an arrow”; “Time fleeing beneath him” [syn: fell, vanish] 9: travel in an airplane; “she is flying to Cincinnati tonight”; “Are we driving or flying?” 10: display in the air or cause to float; “fly a kite”; “All nations fly their flags in front of the U.N.” 11: run away quickly; “He threw down his gun and fled” [syn: flee, take flight] 12: travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft; “Lindbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic” 13: hit a fly 14: decrease rapidly and disappear; “the money vanished in las Vegas”; “all my stock assets have vaporized” [syn: vanish, vaporize] [also: flown, flew] fly n 1: two-winged insects characterized by active flight 2: flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent [syn: tent-fly, rainfly, fly sheet, tent flap] 3: an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or buttons concealed by a fold of cloth [syn: fly front] 4: (baseball) a hit that flies up in the air [syn: fly ball] 5: fisherman's lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect [also: flown, flew] flew See fly
English → English (gcide) Definition: Flew Fly \Fly\ (fl[imac]), v. i. [imp. Flew (fl[=u]); p. p. Flown (fl[=o]n); p. pr. & vb. n. Flying.] [OE. fleen, fleen, fleyen, flegen, AS. fle['o]gan; akin to D. vliegen, OHG. fliogan, G. fliegen, Icel. flj[=u]ga, Sw. flyga, Dan. flyve, Goth. us-flaugjan to cause to fly away, blow about, and perh. to L. pluma feather, E. plume. [root]84. Cf. Fledge, Flight, Flock of animals.] 1. To move in or pass through the air with wings, as a bird. 2. To move through the air or before the wind; esp., to pass or be driven rapidly through the air by any impulse. [1913 Webster] 3. To float, wave, or rise in the air, as sparks or a flag. [1913 Webster] Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward. --Job v. 7. [1913 Webster] 4. To move or pass swiftly; to hasten away; to circulate rapidly; as, a ship flies on the deep; a top flies around; rumor flies. [1913 Webster] Fly, envious Time, till thou run out thy race. --Milton. [1913 Webster] The dark waves murmured as the ships flew on. --Bryant. [1913 Webster] 5. To run from danger; to attempt to escape; to flee; as, an enemy or a coward flies. See Note under Flee. [1913 Webster] Fly, ere evil intercept thy flight. --Milton. [1913 Webster] Whither shall I fly to escape their hands ? --Shak. [1913 Webster] 6. To move suddenly, or with violence; to do an act suddenly or swiftly; -- usually with a qualifying word; as, a door flies open; a bomb flies apart. [1913 Webster] To fly about (Naut.), to change frequently in a short time; -- said of the wind. To fly around, to move about in haste. [Colloq.] To fly at, to spring toward; to rush on; to attack suddenly. To fly in the face of, to insult; to assail; to set at defiance; to oppose with violence; to act in direct opposition to; to resist. To fly off, to separate, or become detached suddenly; to revolt. To fly on, to attack. To fly open, to open suddenly, or with violence. To fly out. (a) To rush out. (b) To burst into a passion; to break out into license. To let fly. (a) To throw or drive with violence; to discharge. “A man lets fly his arrow without taking any aim.” --Addison. (b) (Naut.) To let go suddenly and entirely; as, to let fly the sheets. [1913 Webster] Flew \Flew\, imp. of Fly. [1913 Webster]


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