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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: extinguished (0.00975 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to extinguished.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: extinguish memadamkan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: extinguished extinguished adj : of a conditioned response; caused to die out because of the absence or withdrawal of reinforcement
English → English (gcide) Definition: extinguished destroyed \destroyed\ adj. 1. p. p. of destroy. [Narrower terms: annihilated, exterminated, wiped out(predicate) ; blasted, desolate, desolated, devastated, ravaged, ruined, wasted ; blighted, spoilt; blotted out, obliterate, obliterated ; demolished, dismantled, razed; {done for(predicate), kaput(predicate), gone(prenominal), lost, finished(predicate)}; extinguished; ruined, wiped out(predicate), impoverished ; totaled, wrecked; war-torn, war-worn; despoiled, pillaged, raped, ravaged, sacked ] Also See: damaged. Antonym: preserved [WordNet 1.5] 2. destroyed physically or morally. Syn: ruined. [WordNet 1.5] extinguished \extinguished\ adj. 1. (Psychol.) caused to die out because of the absence or withdrawal of reinforcement; -- of a conditioned response. [WordNet 1.5] 2. no longer burning; -- of a fire. Syn: extinct, out(predicate), quenched. [WordNet 1.5] 3. no longer existing; -- of species. Syn: dead. [WordNet 1.5]


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