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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: ekabor (0.00846 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to ekabor.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Ekabor Ekabor \Ek"a*bor`\ ([e^]k"[.a]*b[=o]r`), Ekaboron \Ek"a*bo"ron\ (-b[=o]"r[o^]n), n. [G., fr. Skr. [=e]ka one + G. bor, boron, E. boron.] (Chem.) The name given by Mendelejeff in accordance with the periodic law, and by prediction, to a hypothetical element then unknown, but since discovered and named scandium; -- so called because it was a missing analogue of the boron group. See Scandium. [1913 Webster]


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