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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: edible crab (0.00800 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to edible crab.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Edible crab Edible \Ed"i*ble\, a. [L. edibilis, fr. edere to eat. See Eat.] Fit to be eaten as food; eatable; esculent; as, edible fishes. --Bacon. -- n. Anything edible. [1913 Webster] Edible bird's nest. See Bird's nest, 2. Edible crab (Zo["o]l.), any species of crab used as food, esp. the American blue crab (Callinectes hastatus). See Crab. Edible frog (Zo["o]l.), the common European frog (Rana esculenta ), used as food. Edible snail (Zo["o]l.), any snail used as food, esp. Helix pomatia and H. aspersa of Europe. [1913 Webster]


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