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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: durst (0.01752 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to durst.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Durst Dare \Dare\ (d[^a]r), v. i. [imp. Durst (d[^u]rst) or Dared (d[^a]rd); p. p. Dared; p. pr. & vb. n. Daring.] [OE. I dar, dear, I dare, imp. dorste, durste, AS. ic dear I dare, imp. dorste. inf. durran; akin to OS. gidar, gidorsta, gidurran, OHG. tar, torsta, turran, Goth. gadar, gada['u]rsta, Gr. tharsei^n, tharrei^n, to be bold, tharsy`s bold, Skr. Dhrsh to be bold. [root]70.] To have adequate or sufficient courage for any purpose; to be bold or venturesome; not to be afraid; to venture. [1913 Webster] I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Why then did not the ministers use their new law? Bacause they durst not, because they could not. --Macaulay. [1913 Webster] Who dared to sully her sweet love with suspicion. --Thackeray. [1913 Webster] The tie of party was stronger than the tie of blood, because a partisan was more ready to dare without asking why. --Jowett (Thu?yd.). [1913 Webster] Note: The present tense, I dare, is really an old past tense, so that the third person is he dare, but the form he dares is now often used, and will probably displace the obsolescent he dare, through grammatically as incorrect as he shalls or he cans. --Skeat. [1913 Webster] The pore dar plede (the poor man dare plead). --P. Plowman. [1913 Webster] You know one dare not discover you. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] The fellow dares not deceive me. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Here boldly spread thy hands, no venom'd weed Dares blister them, no slimy snail dare creep. --Beau. & Fl. [1913 Webster] Note: Formerly durst was also used as the present. Sometimes the old form dare is found for durst or dared. [1913 Webster] Durst \Durst\, imp. of Dare. See Dare, v. i. [1913 Webster] ||


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