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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: drunker (0.01028 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to drunker.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: drunker mabuk
English → English (WordNet) Definition: drunk drink v 1: take in liquids; “The patient must drink several liters each day”; “The children like to drink soda” [syn: imbibe] 2: consume alcohol; “We were up drinking all night” [syn: booze, fuddle] 3: propose a toast to; “Let us toast the birthday girl!”; “Let's drink to the New Year” [syn: toast, pledge, salute, wassail] 4: be fascinated or spell-bound by; pay close attention to; “The mother drinks in every word of her son on the stage” [syn: drink in] 5: drink excessive amounts of alcohol; be an alcoholic; “The husband drinks and beats his wife” [syn: tope] [also: drunk, drank] drink n 1: a single serving of a beverage; “I asked for a hot drink”; “likes a drink before dinner” 2: the act of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess; “drink was his downfall” [syn: drinking, boozing, drunkenness, crapulence] 3: any liquid suitable for drinking; “may I take your beverage order?” [syn: beverage, drinkable, potable] 4: any large deep body of water; “he jumped into the drink and had to be rescued” 5: the act of swallowing; “one swallow of the liquid was enough”; “he took a drink of his beer and smacked his lips” [syn: swallow, deglutition] [also: drunk, drank] drunk adj 1: stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol); “a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors”; “helplessly inebriated” [syn: intoxicated, inebriated] [ant: sober] 2: as if under the influence of alcohol; “felt intoxicated by her success”; “drunk with excitement” [syn: intoxicated] drunk n 1: a chronic drinker [syn: drunkard, rummy, sot, inebriate] 2: someone who is intoxicated drunk See drink


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