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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: dirt eating (0.00900 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to dirt eating.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Dirt eating Dirt \Dirt\ (d[~e]rt), n. [OE. drit; kin to Icel. drit excrement, dr[=i]ta to dung, OD. drijten to dung, AS. gedr[=i]tan.] 1. Any foul of filthy substance, as excrement, mud, dust, etc.; whatever, adhering to anything, renders it foul or unclean; earth; as, a wagonload of dirt. [1913 Webster] Whose waters cast up mire and dirt. --Is. lvii. 20. [1913 Webster] 2. Meanness; sordidness. [1913 Webster] Honors . . . thrown away upon dirt and infamy. --Melmoth. [1913 Webster] 3. In placer mining, earth, gravel, etc., before washing. [1913 Webster] Dirt bed (Geom.), a layer of clayey earth forming a stratum in a geological formation. Dirt beds are common among the coal measures. Dirt eating. (a) The use of certain kinds of clay for food, existing among some tribes of Indians; geophagism. --Humboldt. (b) (Med.) Same as Chthonophagia. Dirt pie, clay or mud molded by children in imitation of pastry. --Otway (1684). To eat dirt, to submit in a meanly humble manner to insults; to eat humble pie. [1913 Webster]


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