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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: dignified (0.01044 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to dignified.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: dignified dignified adj 1: having or expressing dignity; especially formality or stateliness in bearing or appearance; “her dignified demeanor”; “the director of the school was a dignified white-haired gentleman” [ant: undignified] 2: having or showing self-esteem [syn: self-respecting, self-respectful] dignify v 1: confer dignity or honor upon; “He was dignified with a title” [syn: ennoble] 2: raise the status of; “I shall not dignify this insensitive remark with an answer” [also: dignified] dignified See dignify
English → English (gcide) Definition: Dignified Dignified \Dig"ni*fied\, a. Marked with dignity; stately; as, a dignified judge. [1913 Webster] dignify \dig"ni*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dignified; p. pr. & vb. n. Dignifying.] [OF. dignifier, fr. LL. dignificare; L. dignus worthy + ficare (in comp.), facere to make. See Deign, and Fact.] To invest with dignity or honor; to make illustrious; to give distinction to; to exalt in rank; to honor. [1913 Webster] Your worth will dignify our feast. --B. Jonson. Syn: To exalt; elevate; prefer; advance; honor; illustrate; adorn; ennoble. [1913 Webster]


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