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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: date palm (0.02799 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to date palm.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: date palm date palm n : tall tropical feather palm tree native to Syria bearing sweet edible fruit [syn: Phoenix dactylifera]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Date palm Date \Date\, n.[F. datte, L. dactylus, fr. Gr. ?, prob. not the same word as da`ktylos finger, but of Semitic origin.] (Bot.) The fruit of the date palm; also, the date palm itself. [1913 Webster] Note: This fruit is somewhat in the shape of an olive, containing a soft pulp, sweet, esculent, and wholesome, and inclosing a hard kernel. [1913 Webster] Date palm, or Date tree (Bot.), the genus of palms which bear dates, of which common species is Ph[oe]nix dactylifera . See Illust. Date plum (Bot.), the fruit of several species of Diospyros, including the American and Japanese persimmons, and the European lotus (Diospyros Lotus). Date shell, or Date fish (Zo["o]l.), a bivalve shell, or its inhabitant, of the genus Pholas, and allied genera. See Pholas. [1913 Webster]


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