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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: damaging (0.01745 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to damaging.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: damage kerusakan
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: damaging pembejatan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: damaging damaging adj 1: (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury; “damaging to career and reputation”; “the reporter's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant” [syn: detrimental, prejudicial, prejudicious] 2: designed or tending to discredit, especially without positive or helpful suggestions; “negative criticism” [syn: negative]
English → English (gcide) Definition: damaging damaging \damaging\ adj. 1. causing harm or injury; as, damaging to career and reputation. Syn: detrimental, detrimental to(predicate), prejudicial, prejudicious. [WordNet 1.5] 2. designed or tending to discredit, especially without positive or helpful suggestions. Syn: negative. [WordNet 1.5]


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