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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: cs (0.01248 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to cs.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: Cs Cs n : a soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatures); the most electropositive and alkaline metal [syn: cesium, caesium, atomic number 55 ]
English → English (gcide) Definition: c Gastropoda \Gas*trop"o*da\, n. pl., [NL., fr. Gr. ?, ?, stomach + -poda.] (Zo["o]l.) One of the classes of Mollusca, of great extent. It includes most of the marine spiral shells, and the land and fresh-water snails. They generally creep by means of a flat, muscular disk, or foot, on the ventral side of the body. The head usually bears one or two pairs of tentacles. See Mollusca. [Written also Gasteropoda.] [1913 Webster] Note: The Gastropoda are divided into three subclasses; viz.: (a) The Streptoneura or Dioecia, including the Pectinibranchiata, Rhipidoglossa, Docoglossa, and Heteropoda. (b) The Euthyneura, including the Pulmonata and Opisthobranchia. (c) The Amphineura, including the Polyplacophora and Aplacophora. [1913 Webster] Legate \Leg"ate\ (l[e^]g"[asl]t), n. [OE. legat, L. legatus, fr. legare to send with a commission or charge, to depute, fr. lex, legis, law: cf. F. l['e]gat, It. legato. See Legal.] 1. An ambassador or envoy. [1913 Webster] 2. An ecclesiastic representing the pope and invested with the authority of the Holy See. [1913 Webster] Note: Legates are of three kinds: (a) Legates a latere, now always cardinals. They are called ordinary or extraordinary legates, the former governing provinces, and the latter class being sent to foreign countries on extraordinary occasions. (b) Legati missi, who correspond to the ambassadors of temporal governments. (c) Legati nati, or legates by virtue of their office, as the archbishops of Salzburg and Prague. [1913 Webster] 3. (Rom. Hist.) (a) An official assistant given to a general or to the governor of a province. (b) Under the emperors, a governor sent to a province. [1913 Webster] Libration \Li*bra"tion\ (l[-i]*br[=a]"sh[u^]n), n. [L. libratio: cf. F. libration.] 1. The act or state of librating. --Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 2. (Astron.) A real or apparent libratory motion, like that of a balance before coming to rest. [1913 Webster] Libration of the moon, any one of those small periodical changes in the position of the moon's surface relatively to the earth, in consequence of which narrow portions at opposite limbs become visible or invisible alternately. It receives different names according to the manner in which it takes place; as: (a) Libration in longitude, that which, depending on the place of the moon in its elliptic orbit, causes small portions near the eastern and western borders alternately to appear and disappear each month. (b) Libration in latitude, that which depends on the varying position of the moon's axis in respect to the spectator, causing the alternate appearance and disappearance of either pole. (c) Diurnal or parallactic libration, that which brings into view on the upper limb, at rising and setting, some parts not in the average visible hemisphere. [1913 Webster] Monkey \Mon"key\, n.; pl. Monkeys. [Cf. OIt. monicchio, It. monnino, dim. of monna an ape, also dame, mistress, contr. fr. madonna. See Madonna.] 1. (Zo["o]l.) (a) In the most general sense, any one of the Quadrumana, including apes, baboons, and lemurs. (b) Any species of Quadrumana, except the lemurs. (c) Any one of numerous species of Quadrumana (esp. such as have a long tail and prehensile feet) exclusive of apes and baboons. [1913 Webster] Note: The monkeys are often divided into three groups: (a) Catarrhines, or Simid[ae]. These have an oblong head, with the oblique flat nostrils near together. Some have no tail, as the apes. All these are natives of the Old World. (b) Platyrhines, or Cebid[ae]. These have a round head, with a broad nasal septum, so that the nostrils are wide apart and directed downward. The tail is often prehensile, and the thumb is short and not opposable. These are natives of the New World. (c) Strepsorhines, or Lemuroidea. These have a pointed head with curved nostrils. They are natives of Southern Asia, Africa, and Madagascar. [1913 Webster] 2. A term of disapproval, ridicule, or contempt, as for a mischievous child. [1913 Webster] This is the monkey's own giving out; she is persuaded I will marry her. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. The weight or hammer of a pile driver, that is, a very heavy mass of iron, which, being raised on high, falls on the head of the pile, and drives it into the earth; the falling weight of a drop hammer used in forging. [1913 Webster] 4. A small trading vessel of the sixteenth century. [1913 Webster] Monkey boat. (Naut.) (a) A small boat used in docks. (b) A half-decked boat used on the River Thames. Monkey block (Naut.), a small single block strapped with a swivel. --R. H. Dana, Jr. Monkey flower (Bot.), a plant of the genus Mimulus; -- so called from the appearance of its gaping corolla. --Gray. Monkey gaff (Naut.), a light gaff attached to the topmast for the better display of signals at sea. Monkey jacket, a short closely fitting jacket, worn by sailors. Monkey rail (Naut.), a second and lighter rail raised about six inches above the quarter rail of a ship. Monkey shine, monkey trick. [Slang, U.S.] Monkey trick, a mischievous prank. --Saintsbury. Monkey wheel. See Gin block, under 5th Gin. [1913 Webster] Motion \Mo"tion\, n. [F., fr. L. motio, fr. movere, motum, to move. See Move.] 1. The act, process, or state of changing place or position; movement; the passing of a body from one place or position to another, whether voluntary or involuntary; -- opposed to rest. [1913 Webster] Speaking or mute, all comeliness and grace attends thee, and each word, each motion, forms. --Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Power of, or capacity for, motion. [1913 Webster] Devoid of sense and motion. --Milton. [1913 Webster] 3. Direction of movement; course; tendency; as, the motion of the planets is from west to east. [1913 Webster] In our proper motion we ascend. --Milton. [1913 Webster] 4. Change in the relative position of the parts of anything; action of a machine with respect to the relative movement of its parts. [1913 Webster] This is the great wheel to which the clock owes its motion. --Dr. H. More. [1913 Webster] 5. Movement of the mind, desires, or passions; mental act, or impulse to any action; internal activity. [1913 Webster] Let a good man obey every good motion rising in his heart, knowing that every such motion proceeds from God. --South. [1913 Webster] 6. A proposal or suggestion looking to action or progress; esp., a formal proposal made in a deliberative assembly; as, a motion to adjourn. [1913 Webster] Yes, I agree, and thank you for your motion. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 7. (Law) An application made to a court or judge orally in open court. Its object is to obtain an order or rule directing some act to be done in favor of the applicant. --Mozley & W. [1913 Webster] 8. (Mus.) Change of pitch in successive sounds, whether in the same part or in groups of parts. [1913 Webster] The independent motions of different parts sounding together constitute counterpoint. --Grove. [1913 Webster] Note: Conjunct motion is that by single degrees of the scale. Contrary motion is that when parts move in opposite directions. Disjunct motion is motion by skips. Oblique motion is that when one part is stationary while another moves. Similar or direct motion is that when parts move in the same direction. [1913 Webster] 9. A puppet show or puppet. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] What motion's this? the model of Nineveh? --Beau. & Fl. [1913 Webster] Note: Motion, in mechanics, may be simple or compound. Simple motions are: (a) straight translation, which, if of indefinite duration, must be reciprocating. (b) Simple rotation, which may be either continuous or reciprocating, and when reciprocating is called oscillating. (c) Helical, which, if of indefinite duration, must be reciprocating. Compound motion consists of combinations of any of the simple motions. [1913 Webster] Center of motion, Harmonic motion, etc. See under Center, Harmonic, etc. Motion block (Steam Engine), a crosshead. Perpetual motion (Mech.), an incessant motion conceived to be attainable by a machine supplying its own motive forces independently of any action from without. According to the law of conservation of energy, such perpetual motion is impossible, and no device has yet been built that is capable of perpetual motion. [1913 Webster +PJC] Syn: See Movement. [1913 Webster]


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