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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: comestible (0.02044 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to comestible.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: comestible comestible adj : suitable for use as food [syn: edible, eatable] [ant: inedible] n : any substance that can be used as food [syn: edible, eatable, pabulum, victual, victuals]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Comestible Comestible \Co*mes"ti*ble\, a. [F. comestible, fr. L. comesus, comestus, p. p. of comedere to eat; com- + edere to eat.] Suitable to be eaten; eatable; esculent. [1913 Webster] Some herbs are most comestible. --Sir T. Elyot. [1913 Webster] Comestible \Co*mes"ti*ble\, n. Something suitable to be eaten; -- commonly in the plural. --Thackeray. [1913 Webster]


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