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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: coliseum (0.01922 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to coliseum.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: coliseum coliseum n : an oval large stadium with tiers of seats; an arena in which contests and spectacles are held [syn: amphitheater, amphitheatre]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Coliseum Colosseum \Col`os*se"um\, n. [Neut., fr. L. colosseus gigantic. See Coliseum.] The amphitheater of Vespasian in Rome. [Also written Coliseum.] [1913 Webster] Coliseum \Col`i*se"um\, n. [NL. (cf. It. coliseo, colosseo), fr. L. colosseus colossal, fr. colossus a colossus. See Colossus, and cf. Colosseum.] The amphitheater of Vespasian at Rome, the largest in the world. [Written also Colosseum.] [1913 Webster] ||


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