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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: clothes (0.01291 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to clothes.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: clothes baju
English → English (WordNet) Definition: clothes clothes n : clothing in general; “she was refined in her choice of apparel”; “he always bought his clothes at the same store”; “fastidious about his dress” [syn: apparel, wearing apparel , dress]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Clothes Cloth \Cloth\ (kl[o^]th; 115), n.; pl. Cloths (kl[o^][th]z; 115), except in the sense of garments, when it is Clothes (kl[=o]thz or kl[=o]z). [OE. clath cloth, AS. cl[=a][thorn] cloth, garment; akin to D. kleed, Icel. kl[ae][eth]i, Dan. kl[ae]de, cloth, Sw. kl["a]de, G. kleid garment, dress.] 1. A fabric made of fibrous material (or sometimes of wire, as in wire cloth); commonly, a woven fabric of cotton, woolen, or linen, adapted to be made into garments; specifically, woolen fabrics, as distinguished from all others. [1913 Webster] 2. The dress; raiment. [Obs.] See Clothes. [1913 Webster] I'll ne'er distust my God for cloth and bread. --Quarles. [1913 Webster] 3. The distinctive dress of any profession, especially of the clergy; hence, the clerical profession. [1913 Webster] Appeals were made to the priesthood. Would they tamely permit so gross an insult to be offered to their cloth? --Macaulay. [1913 Webster] The cloth, the clergy, are constituted for administering and for giving the best possible effect to . . . every axiom. --I. Taylor. [1913 Webster] Body cloth. See under Body. Cloth of gold, a fabric woven wholly or partially of threads of gold. Cloth measure, the measure of length and surface by which cloth is measured and sold. For this object the standard yard is usually divided into quarters and nails. Cloth paper, a coarse kind of paper used in pressing and finishing woolen cloth. -- Cloth shearer, one who shears cloth and frees it from superfluous nap. [1913 Webster] Clothes \Clothes\ (kl[=o][th]z or kl[=o]z; 277), n. pl. [From Cloth.] 1. Covering for the human body; dress; vestments; vesture; -- a general term for whatever covering is worn, or is made to be worn, for decency or comfort. [1913 Webster] She . . . speaks well, and has excellent good clothes. --Shak. [1913 Webster] If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. --Mark. v. 28. [1913 Webster] 2. The covering of a bed; bedclothes. [1913 Webster] She turned each way her frighted head, Then sunk it deep beneath the clothes. --Prior. [1913 Webster] Body clothes. See under Body. Clothes moth (Zo["o]l.), a small moth of the genus Tinea. The most common species (Tinea flavifrontella) is yellowish white. The larv[ae] eat woolen goods, furs, feathers, etc. They live in tubular cases made of the material upon which they feed, fastened together with silk. Syn: Garments; dress; clothing; apparel; attire; vesture; raiment; garb; costume; habit; habiliments. [1913 Webster]


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