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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: chameleon (0.01991 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to chameleon.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: chameleon bunglon
English → English (WordNet) Definition: chameleon chameleon n 1: a changeable or inconstant person 2: a faint constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near Apus and Mensa [syn: Chamaeleon] 3: lizard of Africa and Madagascar able to change skin color and having a projectile tongue [syn: chamaeleon]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Chameleon Chameleon \Cha*me"le*on\ (k[.a]*m[=e]"l[-e]*[u^]n), n. [L. Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn, lit., “ground lion;” chamai` on the ground + le`wn lion. See Humble, and Lion.] (Zo["o]l.) 1. A lizardlike reptile of the genus Cham[ae]leo, of several species, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The skin is covered with fine granulations; it has eyes which can move separately, the tail is prehensile, and the body is much compressed laterally, giving it a high back. It is remarkable for its ability to change the color of its skin to blend with its surroundings. [Also sometimes spelled chamaeleon.] [1913 Webster +PJC] Note: Its color changes more or less with the color of the objects about it, or with its temper when disturbed. In a cool, dark place it is nearly white, or grayish; on admitting the light, it changes to brown, bottle-green, or blood red, of various shades, and more or less mottled in arrangment. The American chameleons belong to Anolis and allied genera of the family Iguanid[ae]. They are more slender in form than the true chameleons, but have the same power of changing their colors. [1913 Webster] 2. a person who changes opinions, ideas, or behavior to suit the prevailing social climate; an opportunist. [PJC] Chameleon mineral (Chem.), the compound called potassium permanganate , a dark violet, crystalline substance, KMnO4, which in formation passes through a peculiar succession of color from green to blue, purple, red, etc. See Potassium permanganate, under Potassium. [1913 Webster]


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