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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: ceremonial (0.01108 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to ceremonial.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: ceremonial peraturan adat, upacara
English → English (WordNet) Definition: ceremonial ceremonial adj : marked by pomp or ceremony or formality; “a ceremonial occasion”; “ceremonial garb” ceremonial n : a formal event performed on a special occasion; “a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor” [syn: ceremony, ceremonial occasion , observance]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Ceremonial Ceremonial \Cer`e*mo"ni*al\, a. [L. caerimonialis: cf. F. c['e]rimonial. See Ceremony.] 1. Relating to ceremony, or external rite; ritual; according to the forms of established rites. [1913 Webster] Ceremonial observances and outward show. --Hallam. [1913 Webster] 2. Observant of forms; ceremonious. Note: [In this sense ceremonious is now preferred.] --Donne. [1913 Webster] He moves in the dull ceremonial track. --Druden. [1913 Webster] Ceremonial \Cer`e*mo"ni*al\, n. 1. A system of rules and ceremonies, enjoined by law, or established by custom, in religious worship, social intercourse, or the courts of princes; outward form. [1913 Webster] The gorgeous ceremonial of the Burgundian court. --Prescott. [1913 Webster] 2. The order for rites and forms in the Roman Catholic church, or the book containing the rules prescribed to be observed on solemn occasions. [1913 Webster]


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