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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: carnation (0.01289 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to carnation.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: carnation anyelir, bunga anyelir
English → English (WordNet) Definition: carnation carnation adj : having the color of a carnation carnation n 1: Eurasian plant with pink to purple-red spice-scented usually double flowers; widely cultivated in many varieties and many colors [syn: clove pink, gillyflower, Dianthus caryophyllus ] 2: a pink or reddish-pink color
English → English (gcide) Definition: carnation colorful \colorful\ adj. 1. having striking color. Opposite of colorless. Note: [Narrower terms: changeable, chatoyant, iridescent, shot ; deep, rich; flaming; fluorescent, glowing; prismatic; psychedelic; red, ruddy, flushed, empurpled ] Syn: colourful. [WordNet 1.5] 2. striking in variety and interest. Opposite of colorless or dull. [Narrower terms: brave, fine, gay, glorious; flamboyant, resplendent, unrestrained; flashy, gaudy, jazzy, showy, snazzy, sporty ; picturesque] [WordNet 1.5] 3. having color or a certain color; not black, white or grey; as, colored crepe paper. Opposite of colorless and monochrome. Note: [Narrower terms: tinted; touched, tinged; amber, brownish-yellow, yellow-brown ; amethyst; auburn, reddish-brown ; aureate, gilded, gilt, gold, golden; azure, cerulean, sky-blue, bright blue; bicolor, bicolour, bicolored, bicoloured, bichrome ; blue, bluish, light-blue, dark-blue ; blushful, blush-colored, rosy ; bottle-green; bronze, bronzy; brown, brownish, dark-brown; buff; canary, canary-yellow ; caramel, caramel brown; carnation; chartreuse; chestnut; dun; earth-colored, earthlike ; fuscous; green, greenish, light-green, dark-green ; jade, jade-green; khaki; lavender, lilac ; mauve; moss green, mosstone; {motley, multicolor, culticolour, multicolored, multicoloured, painted, particolored, particoloured, piebald, pied, varicolored, varicoloured}; mousy, mouse-colored; ocher, ochre; olive-brown; olive-drab; olive; orange, orangish; peacock-blue; pink, pinkish; purple, violet, purplish; {red, blood-red, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, ruby, ruby-red, scarlet}; red, reddish; rose, roseate; rose-red; rust, rusty, rust-colored; {snuff, snuff-brown, snuff-color, snuff-colour, snuff-colored, snuff-coloured, mummy-brown, chukker-brown}; sorrel, brownish-orange ; stone, stone-gray; straw-color, straw-colored, straw-coloured ; tan; tangerine; tawny; ultramarine; umber; vermilion, vermillion, cinibar, Chinese-red ; yellow, yellowish; yellow-green; avocado; bay; beige; blae bluish-black or gray-blue) ; coral; creamy; cress green, cresson, watercress ; hazel; honey, honey-colored ; hued(postnominal); magenta; maroon; pea-green; russet; sage, sage-green; sea-green] [Also See: chromatic, colored, dark, light.] Syn: colored, coloured, in color(predicate). [WordNet 1.5]


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