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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: capriciously (0.01009 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to capriciously.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: capricious bertingkah, berubah-ubah
English → English (WordNet) Definition: capriciously capriciously adv 1: unpredictably; “the weather has been freakishly variable” [syn: freakishly] 2: in a capricious manner; “there were Turk's head lilies and patches of iris , islands of brilliant blue set capriciously in the green sea”
English → English (gcide) Definition: Capriciously Capricious \Ca*pri"cious\ (k[.a]*pr[i^]sh"[u^]s), a. [Cf. F. capricieux, It. capriccioso.] Governed or characterized by caprice; apt to change suddenly; freakish; whimsical; changeable. “Capricious poet.” --Shak. “Capricious humor.” --Hugh Miller. [1913 Webster] A capricious partiality to the Romish practices. --Hallam. Syn: Freakish; whimsical; fanciful; fickle; crotchety; fitful; wayward; changeable; unsteady; uncertain; inconstant; arbitrary. -- Ca*pri"cious*ly, adv. -- Ca*pri"cious*ness, n. [1913 Webster]


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