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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: busiest (0.00880 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to busiest.
Indonesian → English (quick) Definition: busi plug, sparkplug
English → English (WordNet) Definition: busiest busiest See busy busy adj 1: actively or fully engaged or occupied; “busy with her work”; “a busy man”; “too busy to eat lunch”; “the line is busy” [ant: idle] 2: overcrowded or cluttered with detail; “a busy painting”; “a fussy design” [syn: fussy] 3: intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner; “an interfering old woman”; “bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself”; “busy about other people's business” [syn: interfering, meddlesome, meddling, officious, busybodied] 4: crowdedwith or characterized by much activity; “a very busy week”; “a busy life”; “a busy street”; “a busy seaport” 5: (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line); “her line is busy”; “receptionists' telephones are always engaged”; “the lavatory is in use”; “kept getting a busy signal” [syn: engaged, in use(p)] [also: busied, busiest, busier] busy v : keep busy with; “She busies herself with her butterfly collection” [syn: occupy] [also: busied, busiest, busier]


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