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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: auxiliary verb (0.08294 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to auxiliary verb.
English → English (gcide) Definition: auxiliary verb Auxiliary \Aux*il"ia*ry\, n.; pl. Auxiliaries. 1. A helper; an assistant; a confederate in some action or enterprise. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mil.) pl. Foreign troops in the service of a nation at war; (rarely in sing.), a member of the allied or subsidiary force. [1913 Webster] 3. (Gram.) A verb which helps to form the voices, modes, and tenses of other verbs; -- called, also, an auxiliary verb ; as, have, be, may, can, do, must, shall, and will, in English; [^e]tre and avoir, in French; avere and essere, in Italian; estar and haber, in Spanish. [1913 Webster] 4. (Math.) A quantity introduced for the purpose of simplifying or facilitating some operation, as in equations or trigonometrical formul[ae]. --Math. Dict. [1913 Webster]


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