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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: agnomen (0.01198 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to agnomen.
English → English (gcide) Definition: agnomen Name \Name\ (n[=a]m), n. [AS. nama; akin to D. naam, OS. & OHG. namo, G. name, Icel. nafn, for namn, Dan. navn, Sw. namn, Goth. nam[=o], L. nomen (perh. influenced by noscere, gnoscere, to learn to know), Gr. 'o`mona, Scr. n[=a]man. [root]267. Cf. Anonymous, Ignominy, Misnomer, Nominal, Noun.] 1. The title by which any person or thing is known or designated; a distinctive specific appellation, whether of an individual or a class. [1913 Webster] Whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. --Gen. ii. 19. [1913 Webster] What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. A descriptive or qualifying appellation given to a person or thing, on account of a character or acts. [1913 Webster] His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. --Is. ix. 6. [1913 Webster] 3. Reputed character; reputation, good or bad; estimation; fame; especially, illustrious character or fame; honorable estimation; distinction. [1913 Webster] What men of name resort to him? --Shak. [1913 Webster] Far above . . . every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. --Eph. i. 21. [1913 Webster] I will get me a name and honor in the kingdom. --1 Macc. iii. 14. [1913 Webster] He hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin. --Deut. xxii. 19. [1913 Webster] The king's army . . . had left no good name behind. --Clarendon. [1913 Webster] 4. Those of a certain name; a race; a family. [1913 Webster] The ministers of the republic, mortal enemies of his name, came every day to pay their feigned civilities. --Motley. [1913 Webster] 5. A person, an individual. [Poetic] [1913 Webster] They list with women each degenerate name. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] Christian name. (a) The name a person receives at baptism, as distinguished from surname; baptismal name; in western countries, it is also called a first name. (b) A given name, whether received at baptism or not. Given name. See under Given. In name, in profession, or by title only; not in reality; as, a friend in name. In the name of. (a) In behalf of; by the authority of. “ I charge you in the duke's name to obey me.” --Shak. (b) In the represented or assumed character of. “I'll to him again in name of Brook.” --Shak. Name plate, a plate as of metal, glass, etc., having a name upon it, as a sign; a doorplate. Pen name, a name assumed by an author; a pseudonym or nom de plume . --Bayard Taylor. Proper name (Gram.), a name applied to a particular person, place, or thing. To call names, to apply opprobrious epithets to; to call by reproachful appellations. To take a name in vain, to use a name lightly or profanely; to use a name in making flippant or dishonest oaths. --Ex. xx. 7. [1913 Webster] Syn: Appellation; title; designation; cognomen; denomination; epithet. Usage: Name, Appellation, Title, Denomination. Name is generic, denoting that combination of sounds or letters by which a person or thing is known and distinguished. Appellation, although sometimes put for name simply, denotes, more properly, a descriptive term (called also agnomen or cognomen), used by way of marking some individual peculiarity or characteristic; as, Charles the Bold, Philip the Stammerer. A title is a term employed to point out one's rank, office, etc.; as, the Duke of Bedford, Paul the Apostle, etc. Denomination is to particular bodies what appellation is to individuals; thus, the church of Christ is divided into different denominations, as Congregationalists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, etc. [1913 Webster]


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