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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: ablaze (0.00888 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to ablaze.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: ablaze berkobar, bernyala, menyala, terang benderang, terbakar
English → English (WordNet) Definition: ablaze ablaze adj 1: keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement; “his face all ablaze with excitement”- Bram Stoker; “he was aflame with desire” [syn: aflame, aroused, turned on(p)] 2: lighted up by or as by fire or flame; “forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning”; “even the car's tires were aflame”; “a night aflare with fireworks”; “candles alight on the tables”; “blazing logs in the fireplace”; “a burning cigarette”; “a flaming crackling fire”; “houses on fire” [syn: ablaze(p), afire(p), aflame(p), aflare(p), alight(p), blazing, burning, flaming, on fire(p)] 3: resembling flame in brilliance or color; “maple trees ablaze in autumn”; “flaming autumn leaves” [syn: flaming] 4: lighted with red light as if with flames; “streets ablaze with lighted Christmas trees”; “the inflamed clouds at sunset”; “reddened faces around the campfire” [syn: ablaze(p), inflamed, reddened]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Ablaze Ablaze \A*blaze"\, adv. & a. [Pref. a- + blaze.] 1. On fire; in a blaze, gleaming. --Milman. [1913 Webster] All ablaze with crimson and gold. --Longfellow. [1913 Webster] 2. In a state of glowing excitement or ardent desire. [1913 Webster] The young Cambridge democrats were all ablaze to assist Torrijos. --Carlyle. [1913 Webster]


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