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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Whither (0.01134 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Whither.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: whither whither adv : to what place; “whither go you?”
English → English (gcide) Definition: Whither Whither \Whith"er\, adv. [OE. whider. AS. hwider; akin to E. where, who; cf. Goth. hvadr[=e] whither. See Who, and cf. Hither, Thither.] [1913 Webster] 1. To what place; -- used interrogatively; as, whither goest thou? “Whider may I flee?” --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Sir Valentine, whither away so fast? --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To what or which place; -- used relatively. [1913 Webster] That no man should know . . . whither that he went. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] We came unto the land whither thou sentest us. --Num. xiii. 27. [1913 Webster] 3. To what point, degree, end, conclusion, or design; whereunto; whereto; -- used in a sense not physical. [1913 Webster] Nor have I . . . whither to appeal. --Milton. [1913 Webster] Any whither, to any place; anywhere. [Obs.] “Any whither, in hope of life eternal.” --Jer. Taylor. No whither, to no place; nowhere. [Obs.] --2 Kings v. 25. [1913 Webster] Syn: Where. Usage: Whither, Where. Whither properly implies motion to place, and where rest in a place. Whither is now, however, to a great extent, obsolete, except in poetry, or in compositions of a grave and serious character and in language where precision is required. Where has taken its place, as in the question, “Where are you going?” [1913 Webster]


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