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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Wettest (0.00791 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Wettest.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: wettest wet adj 1: covered or soaked with a liquid such as water; “a wet bathing suit”; “wet sidewalks”; “wet paint”; “wet weather” [ant: dry] 2: supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages; “a wet candidate running on a wet platform”; “a wet county” [ant: dry] 3: producing or secreting milk; “a wet nurse”; “a wet cow”; “lactating cows” [syn: lactating] [ant: dry] 4: consisting of or trading in alcoholic liquor; “a wet cargo”; “a wet canteen” 5: very drunk [syn: besotted, blind drunk, blotto, crocked, cockeyed, fuddled, loaded, pie-eyed, pissed, pixilated, plastered, potty, slopped, sloshed, smashed, soaked, soused, sozzled, squiffy, stiff, tiddly, tiddley, tight, tipsy] [also: wetting, wetted, wettest, wetter] wet n : wetness caused by water; “drops of wet gleamed on the window” [syn: moisture] [also: wetting, wetted, wettest, wetter] wet v 1: cause to become wet; “Wet your face” [ant: dry] 2: make one's bed or clothes wet by urinating; “This eight year old boy still wets his bed” [also: wetting, wetted, wettest, wetter] wettest See wet
English → English (gcide) Definition: Wettest Wet \Wet\ (w[e^]t), a. [Compar. Wetter; superl. Wettest.] [OE. wet, weet, AS. w[=ae]t; akin to OFries. w[=e]t, Icel. v[=a]tr, Sw. v[*a]t, Dan. vaad, and E. water. [root]137. See Water.] [1913 Webster] 1. Containing, or consisting of, water or other liquid; moist; soaked with a liquid; having water or other liquid upon the surface; as, wet land; a wet cloth; a wet table. “Wet cheeks.” --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Very damp; rainy; as, wet weather; a wet season. “Wet October's torrent flood.” --Milton. [1913 Webster] 3. (Chem.) Employing, or done by means of, water or some other liquid; as, the wet extraction of copper, in distinction from dry extraction in which dry heat or fusion is employed. [1913 Webster] 4. Refreshed with liquor; drunk. [Slang] --Prior. [1913 Webster] Wet blanket, Wet dock, etc. See under Blanket, Dock, etc. Wet goods, intoxicating liquors. [Slang] [1913 Webster] Syn: Nasty; humid; damp; moist. See Nasty. [1913 Webster]


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